Before we get into the actual subject, it is important to understand that every movement in the body creates heat. So in order to not overheat, it has an «integrated cooling system”: sweat.
Sweating creates evaporative cooling on the skin and this cooling effect regulates our body temperature. Now that we know what our sweat does, let's look together at the differences between trained and untrained people.
When a trained and an untrained person run for an hour at an individual level (i.e. both run at 70% of their maximum oxygen consumption), the trained person will sweat more. How so?
The untrained person reaches his individual level after little activity, the trained person, on the other hand, has to move a lot more in order to reach his individual level. This extra activity releases more heat which then has to be regulated through sweat.
When the load on both people is the same (i.e. both run at the same speed of 12km/h), the effect is reversed. The task stresses the athletically fitter person less than the beginner, which means the fitter person doesn`t have to sweat as much to regulate his body temperature.
Body temperature affects sweat production independently of training as well. When an untrained and a trained person sit in the sauna, the person with the highest body temperature sweats the most. Body temperature is influenced by many factors such as ambient temperature, age, gender and body composition though.
The better a person's stamina, the faster and more optimally they sweat. The cooling system is “well trained” and quickly ready for use. So you can say that more athletic people sweat more effectively than untrained people.
In conclusion, it can be said that sweating is neither good nor bad, but a natural process. Sweat regulates our body temperature and protects our organism from overheating. Whether someone sweats a lot or less depends in part on the level of training, but above all on body temperature. Athletes optimize the cooling process through regular exercise.
And don't forget that if you sweat a lot and are active in sports, you also have to drink plenty of fluids. We sweat up to one liter a day without any physical activity. This amount increases with exercise. That is why it is important that we do not become dehydrated.
Do not hesitate to send me a direct message if you want to get more information about the topic.
Yours, Nils
