I am a fitness coach and what about you? Maybe a technologist, IT specialist, waiter, cook, doctor, apprentice, etc. What we are doing is not what we are, I think what we are is human. I see, notice and feel how this goes forgotten in our society.
As a boss, you are not allowed to make any mistakes, because you are the boss. As an employee, you have to do what you are told to do, because you are an employee.
I love the industry and the place where I work. In the fitness center a cleaning lady meets a banker, a construction worker meets a lab technician, a CEO meets an apprentice. The circumstances in which each one of them is for different reasons do not matter.
They all come to one place to work on the basic values of our lives, they want to be healthy and happy with themselves.
What exactly do I want to say and why do I share this with you?
Let us put emphasis on what is valuable and not valuable assets to values. In a time like this, it is vital not to forget that sometimes we are just human beings, for ourselves and for others.
I hope that today you may find yourself in a place, like me. Where so much superficiality and masquerade is allowed to fall and you can create together with others something you want to stand for.
The little things in this world make up the big whole.
Your Raina
