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How to: Stay fit @ home

Are you looking for some tips to stay fit at home? - then this article is for you! It's not always easy to be as motivated at home as you are in the gym, so I'd like to share my tips and tricks with you.

Work out a structured training plan

  • Think about what your goals are

  • Don't base the length and number of workouts on your optimum, but on what is possible for you

  • Be aware that you can approach your optimum step by step

  • Remember that consistency is important

  • Seek outside help and inspiration when necessary

  • Arrange a Google Meet with your trainer to work out a specific training plan together to achieve your goals

Training space

  • Create a training area at home. An area of 2 x 2m is sufficient

  • Make your training place attractive, place a comfortable carpet or mat for even greater comfort. If you have training items, place them there as well

  • For the musical motivation a loudspeaker or headphones help. Choose suitable music that you like

  • If possible, have your training place set up so that you can start training at any time without any trouble

Motivation from outside

  • If you lack the social aspect, schedule online live classes or workouts with your friends via Zoom / Skype / Google Meet or another provider

  • If you simply want to benefit from effective workouts that are already complete, follow us on Youtube: inicio fitness. Again, it's important that you choose workouts based on your goal. Of course, you can always try new things as well

  • Try to integrate your family or your partner in your workout routine

Good luck!

Yours Katharina

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