In this article, I would like to share with you some facts about back pain and exercise.
1. Actively support recovery with exercise as the primary therapy against back pain
National and international back pain guidelines see exercise and movement as the central treatment strategy against back pain. Research makes it clear that it is important to stay as active as possible and gradually return to all usual activities. You can actively support your recovery. To do this, you should start with light activities and then progressively increase them.
2. Adapt training individually
No form of training or exercise is clearly superior to another for back pain. Especially in an acute pain phase, the individual response is important. Therefore, at the beginning, choose a form of exercise that your pain symptoms respond well to. For example, some people benefit from a bent over posture such as cycling, while others prefer an upright posture such as walking or jogging.
3. Keep moving despite restriction
Stay active and avoid bed rest. Scientific studies show: The longer people with back pain take it easy, the less favorable their physical performance develops and the more limited their ability to work and return to normal activity. The back, like all parts of the body, is designed to move and adapts to different demands and stresses through exercise and training.
4. With sensitivity to the feeling of well-being
On the other hand, avoid banging your head against the wall. Listen to your body and try to move and load yourself in such a way that you slowly work your way forward without waiting until the pain has completely disappeared. The truth lies - as it so often does - in the healthy middle. Consult your trainer or therapist for practical training guidelines.
5. Classify the pain correctly
Pain during or after exercise doesn't mean you're hurting yourself - a point I try to bring across to every patient, whether we are talking about back, knee, or neck pain. If the pain has been going on for a long time, it often happens that the spine and the surrounding muscles are very sensitive to touch and movement. The pain you feel during movement and everyday activities indicates how sensitive the back is, not how damaged it is. It is harmless and completely normal to feel some pain when you start moving or exercising. This usually goes away with time as you get fitter and this hypersensitivity is reduced. However, it is important to increase the load gradually and slowly (e.g. with an increase of 10% per week).
I hope I was able to help some of you to deal with your back pain in the right way. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
You can find more important points in part II.
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